Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
Забегаю в Кармелит (Хайфская электричка), спрашиваю охранника, не знает ли он где находится улица Паль-ям.
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?
I'll watch it.
Sorry, for disappearing - having busy days.
But today I have a free evening, and going to my favorite pub to watch my tango partner's magic show. Never saw him on stage or something, although I saw all his magic tricks and know how he does part of them. Gonna be a very very good evening and night I guess. \
And at Saturday we are going to dance tango right there - in Rodeo pub! That is going to be amazing I think - favorite dance in favorite place. What can be better!?
I've been back right now from a journey to Montfort Castle near Naharia. Incomparable to dancing, but not bad at all
Antichrist is a good thriller, but I didn't catch its intended message. If it's "Women are evil" then I don't accept. Probably because I don't know them well
and here:
"Revolutionary road", did you see it?
It's just I really forgot what the movie message is in my opinion
And about Rodeo: yesterday was really amazing. We danced tango in front of everyone, which made me nervous, but at the same time, the dance felt differently. I definitely want to do it again some day, so I'm glad the the place's owners also liked it and want us to make another tango night in a future.
Me agree absolutely, no need to seek messages, although it maybe tempting to speculate on movie meanings. It's enough to enjoy the atmosphere, action, actors, of course.
I know only two Tarkowsky's works, Solaris and Stalker. Solaris is one of my most loved movie and its music score written by Eduard Artem'ev who is russian electronic music godfather.
I see dancing is your main interest now, isn't it? It's like tree trunk to which all branched of your life attached, no?
I want to ask you somthin. What do you think if we transfer our communication to some private "place"? Skype, gmail, icq?
I really doubt that someone here is bored enough to come into this post and read all these english letters.
I wouldn't say that tango is the main interest for me now. But one of the most important ones, for sure. It helps me to relax. My way to get some joy in those busy and nervous days. Physical contact with people feels really nice. Hugging and "physical talk" during the dance make me really good. Especially if the guy talks (leads) well. Then even the age doesn't matter. And, I must admit, I really really like my tango partner, even though he is not a very good dancer yet. I love when he is with me on the lessons or milongas.
So what's your main interest now?
Not spending too much time with the comp lately.