Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
Забегаю в Кармелит (Хайфская электричка), спрашиваю охранника, не знает ли он где находится улица Паль-ям.
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?
But you're right you could be just tired.
Then you sent me drunk sms' and I was mad cos you woke me up 3 times during that period that I had a sleeping problems.
I'm sorry. What I didn't tell you then that at this time I was leaving the one I love. That's it. When I think about it now, everyone would frustrate me then, no one would be the "right salary" as you say. It was awful period of my life. I don't remember it very well, it was too stressful and depressing so no wonder I didn't remember you. I just tried to move on and survive, so I tried many things, including dating. Sorry, that you had the lack of luck to be the one who was there then.
How did you find me here?
As you guessed, your birds.
Don't be mad - I forgot your name. You can tell it now, right?
I'm Vova nice to meet again
It's amazing how I don't remember anything about you. Barely remember how you look even.
Well, I studied all day long, I deserve to go out to my favorite place tonight, I think.
Anyway, I had really nice evening with friends in my favorite pub. We even danced tango there, that was really weird.
What did you do yesterday?
First, i'm glad for you that you know how to combine work, study and rest. It's great self-control.
Second, I have a question. What do you love in dancing most of all? For example, knowing how to coordinate your movements; physical activity; interaction with partner; loving to be looked at; etc.
About my yesterday. It's usually approximately as my today. Though, the "yesterday" you asked about was a little different because I was preparing to some exam that went really bad yesterday. I didn't think I was so nervous but after the exam it was clear. I just fell asleep for 12 hours and all my memories of the exam are now very smoky, self-protection I think.
Regarding being offended. I don't know. My thought was something like "Friends? Really, why not?". It was with grief sarcasm, of course. I know, it's childishly stupid.
In dancing I like the most when the dance goes smooth. I mean, when it goes right: partner leads me to do something and I'm doing it right. It's the right cooperation, I guess, what I like the most.
When I know that people are looking at me I'm too busy with "how" to do it right, and that's when I'm making most of the mistakes. I noticed that the dance goes the best when I'm not concentrating on "how" to do it, but just doing things automatically. Sometimes on milongas I suddenly noticing that last 5 minutes I was dreaming or thinking about something, while my body was reacting correctly to the leading. That is so amazing, by the way. When I didn't dance for a year and came back actually not remembering anything, I found out that the muscle memory remained: the body was going correctly by itself, without consciousness being involved.
Anyway, 2 days ago when we were dancing in the pub, it was very hard at the beginning - I remembered that people are watching and made few really bad mistakes. Then I just concentrated on the partner's leading and stopped thinking about people around (alcohol makes it really easy to do), so the rest of the dance went perfectly smooth without any mistakes at all.
And, of course, I like that intimate feeling of hugging and interaction with another person. I feel it less with people that I barely know, but if it's someone close, it is sooooo nice!
Hey, listen, you can try it yourself! Today my teacher starts a new group of total beginners. 20:00 at Tveria 15 (the place called Matnas Hadar and its just few meter from the end of Masada street).
12 hours of sleep... wow! I usually sleep for 5-6 and even less (don't have time for more). But today I had 9 and that's sooo good.
Thanks for the offer. I don't think I have enough determination to perform such unsuitable (for me) activity. It's too many people and too close interaction as you've noticed yourself. May be you know some worth place where they teach how to draw?
What are these 1000 things?
About drawing lessons - have no idea.
1000- things may be anything just not to study. Internet, friends, books, eating, washing dishes, shopping for food, parrots. Anything.
I like to study because it distracts your attention from other things. But sometimes it starts to be boring. Then I don't know what to do. And under time pressure any study seems to be boring, you just try to slough it as dead skin.
It's something like that, from an essay on autistic man
“I prefer I move to the apartment,” he would say, reluctantly setting aside the notebook he spent hours filling with tiny, precise replicas of every known animated character.
Education as a ultimate goal, education for education.
You asked "What are the other things?". I answered: "Washing dishes, shopping for food, parrots, cars, girls, bars, etc."
Initially, I said "I study to distract my attention from other things". It's reminds a behavior of an autistic person who performs repetitive actions without final goal. To "prove" this, I cited a sentence from an essay I've recently read on autistic guy "..he spent hours filling with tiny, precise replicas of every known animated character".
Education for education. And then what?
No, I usually don't go to bars. I go to do some sport. Including this very moment
I want to ask you the same question: what "then" is for you? You'll pass all your exams. Then?
I wanted to thank you for Baraka. It's one of the best movies I've seen. Best ever representation of human ant hive, Zooyork conception shown exceptionally tangible.