
Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
Забегаю в Кармелит (Хайфская электричка), спрашиваю охранника, не знает ли он где находится улица Паль-ям.
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?

@музыка: Dream Theater - A Rite Of Passage

20.09.2011 в 20:30

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
You are welcome :)
Don't know any other movies like that.
But I can show you some other good ones that I love if you want.
20.09.2011 в 21:07

Of course I want, I'm here to learn from you. Maybe more :)
Did you see "Girl, interrupted"? Not bad movie.
22.09.2011 в 00:46

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
Sorry, was studying and working all day, just came back home.

I guess I saw that movie long time ago, now, when I saw the trailer, I remember. It was not bad.

My suggestion for today: "Head on" of a really great "German" director Fatih Akin (he is actually Turkish). You may find it by German name "Gegen die Wand". My personal favorite.
22.09.2011 в 01:24

So i understood. When do you have the exam?

I'll the movie.
22.09.2011 в 01:25

Oops, i'll get the movie :)
22.09.2011 в 01:34

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
I had it today, hope I didn't failed. Will know tomorrow probably.
22.09.2011 в 01:34

American questions?
22.09.2011 в 11:47

I watched the movie. Very good done, it creates a feeling in me as if it were documentary. And good-looking actress :)
Do you find some similarity between you and Sibel?
22.09.2011 в 14:35

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
yes, american questions, as always. But it's good.

It's funny, my mom found some similarity between me and Sibel. But I don't really think that I'm that strong and that brave. I respect how she sets the goal and goes for it.

Try "I'm Juli" by the same director - also great one.

... and if you like the way the movie was filmed (that made you feel like it's a documentary), and if, by any chance, you like Bjork, you should try "Dancer in the dark" by Lars von Trier. Or my personal huge huge huge favorite of him "Antichrist".
22.09.2011 в 17:20

Got the grade?

Yes, I saw "Dancer in the dark". I remember Bjork's first song I heard that ignited the prolonging love, it's "Human behavior". And www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th7QmZiz6Lc&feature=rel... is probably my favourate. Because I've known her so many years, every time I listen to her my memories float out from depth of time, sometimes a particular detail of long ago forgotten event suddenly appears so clearly. She's great.

I trust your taste, I'll see them all.

Do you agree with your mom?
23.09.2011 в 00:19

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I got 86 :)

Like I said, I disagree with my mom. Sibel is much stronger and braver.
23.09.2011 в 01:18

Not bad. What's the average of the course, do you know? I remember, we took all the grades and calculated how many standard deviations you stood above or below the average to evaluate how really ypu were good or bad.. Do you practice such chiromancy? :) What's the subject by the way?

In what her strongness and brevity are shown in your opinion?
23.09.2011 в 16:40

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It's easy - she is ready to get married with first guy she meets and live the life she always wanted, outside of her family, with no one to help her.

Have no idea what's the average of the course - I saw my mark on the internet.
It had many subjects. Mostly neurology, nephrology and endocrinology, and lots of small subjects.
23.09.2011 в 19:11

I would doubt rationality of her brevity that led to the rape and being almost killed. Actually, it's pursuit for short path to pleasures that may cost high.

What's course name?
23.09.2011 в 21:07

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
You have to be strong to be able to pick that short path.

The course is emergency medicine.
23.09.2011 в 22:16

The basic principle of any chess opening is steady and consequential development. If you suddenly decide to enter the queen into the game at very start, you'll probably lose. I think patience reflects strongness more than unnecessary rush. Though, of course, necessity is subjective for a person.
24.09.2011 в 16:16

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
I think patience can be a weakness. To be patient and wait instead of actually doing something. Or to be patient because you afraid to act.

I had 3 nightmare days with work and studies and no life at all. So good to just be at home without running anywhere.
24.09.2011 в 19:13

I see patience is not encouraged in emergency medicine :) But you are right, waiting too long may miss opportunities. Balance is needed, as usually. And the girl doesn't have it, imho.
I'v been always surprised by people like you who are multitasking: work, learn on-fly and get nice grades. Gongrats for your exam! :)
So what will you do to rest?
24.09.2011 в 19:19

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
Well, I washed some dishes and cleaned some mess in the house while listening to Vivaldi (somehow classical music calms me down). Let birds out of the cage - they've been there for too long.
Reading an interesting book: www.danielkeyesauthor.com/milligan.html

Wanted to go out at the evening with somebody, but some are busy and the others... well, don't feel like seeing them today.
So I guess I'll stay home with birds, book, music and some movies maybe. Have to go to bed early today - tomorrow there's a first day of emergency room practice.

And what are you doing today?
24.09.2011 в 19:50

From the morning (11:00) till some 15:00 i surveyed literature on some interesting idea I have in my project on proteins. Then I went to sport for three hours, then I returned and right now I'm eating. Then I have to think what I'll do :) Probably, I'll continue to write one of my projects. And messaging with you, I guess :)
24.09.2011 в 19:55

Vivaldi is good, Winter is my favourate. I love baroko generally.
24.09.2011 в 20:03

By the way, one of the amazing things I've seen:

It's unbelievable, nothing lost to organ!
24.09.2011 в 20:11

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
My favorite is "summer". Even in classical music I like energetic and fast things. I call them "heavy classics" :) Too quiet and slow ones are too boring.
24.09.2011 в 20:22

I'm not very much into classics, I love barokko and what was its predecessors, chants and medieval. That's from childhood, I loved to read books on alchemistry, ancient scientists and discoveries. So music should be from their period, too :) I have predisposition that Mozart is just a Pop, though I liked Requiem sometimes.
24.09.2011 в 20:24

I took a course on History of Western Art music. It's was very pleasant to visit lessons at start, exactly when my loved periods were taught, but classics was annoying :)
25.09.2011 в 00:01

Good like on your practice tomorrow.
26.09.2011 в 07:05

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
I don't know as much as you do about classics. I'm just trying to listen to it a little bit and remember some things I liked.

... second day in emergency room today...
26.09.2011 в 14:30

How was it?
27.09.2011 в 17:46

Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
Don't know yet. It's a huge mess, I have to be there longer to really understand what is going on.

What's new? :)
27.09.2011 в 19:27

"No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning." :)

Nothing new. For example, yesterday, I was heading for my yet another job interview and as usual troubles embraced me: first I was late because I missed a correct turn and got into a very heavy traffic; when I finally was able to get to the correct direction, what do you think happened? My auto's clutch cable tore! Thus, instead of interview I was sitting two hours waiting for the car transporter to take me to the garage. That's really not a new thing, it always happens something like that when I go to get a work. Definitely havens are against :)

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