Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
Забегаю в Кармелит (Хайфская электричка), спрашиваю охранника, не знает ли он где находится улица Паль-ям.
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?
Well, all that I can say is thank god your name doesn't starts from K
But I don't remember anyone else in my life that I literally told to get out of my life.
Ok, be sure, I'm not K.
Well, it just supports my opinion I didn't impress you. That's life.
And let me guess last time. Last time, I promise. Does your name starts from "R"?
About the first paragraph. I'm just saying that X can identify a person Y by talking over the internet with Y without seeing and hearing Y. Just by the style of thinking Y has, provided, of course, X knows Y in reality. I tried to avoid such identification. And successfully. But I don't think I had to recourse to such strong countermeasures
Something about the information you gave me isn't true. It must be!
How many times we met in real life?
Btw, do you like scientists?
But you didn't answer my question again. How many times we met in real life?
One time was enough.
It was enough for what?
How do you think you impressed me negatively?
Anyway, it's very hard for me to believe that I told you such thing. Maybe I was in some kind of relationship with someone then?
Damn, I still can't remember you. But that's not surprising - I've been on so many short meetings and dates in my life.
Probably, I will not remember you even if you will tell me your name or when was it.
It's very rare that I like someone. But I like you here. And I'm impressed that you liked me that much so you bothered to look for me on the internet on purpose.
So, maybe we should acquaint again here?
(is that you changing a subject?)
When did you read it?
What did we do during the meeting?
I'm going to the fitness club right now, talk you later
But you left on the most interesting place! Without answering my question.
Don't be afraid - I really like you. I will not stop talking to you even if I'll remember you. Everything could be on that date with you: maybe I was in the awful mood, maybe that date was my try to escape bad thoughts, maybe at these days I was obsessed with some other guy, maybe that was exactly the time that I left the guy I loved so much, so no wonder that I didn't like 99.99% of guys around. Everything is possible.