Ты можешь верить хоть в камни- до тех пор, пока ты не бросаешь ими в меня.
Забегаю в Кармелит (Хайфская электричка), спрашиваю охранника, не знает ли он где находится улица Паль-ям.
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?
"Это где?", - осведомляется он.
"В нижнем городе."- обречённо вздыхаю я, понимая, что помощи тут ждать не придётся.
"Ну тогда тебе нужно ехать вниз!",- с готовностью подсказывает он.
Да неужели?
And how are you these days?
I'm like you, sometime success sometime less..
And what was your latest failure?
Well, if i knew who you are, maybe i would be able to say something usable about it. But i only know that you are from Israel and, must admit, really curious who you are.
Curiosity is your inborn feature?
And how do you discover it?
I mean, you may be interested in your own human nature, or nature as plants and animals or even the kind of Nature that many people call god. For every kind you may have different ways of discovery. You can even use nature to discover nature, if you know what I mean
So tell me more about your scientific methods.
But nothing to tell about "my" scientific methods. First, they are not mine, second, as a doctor you should know about scientific discovery very well. In a nutshell, scientific method is based on Occam Razor principle, of which I think you have heard
Of course I heard about scientific methods and bluh bluh bluh. I'm asking YOU to tell me what do you believe in and how do you explore it.
So far I can tell that you are an expert of saying things without really telling anything really. Sneaky guy
Ya, ya, you're a sister of night, ofcoz
What interesting things are shadowing your loneliness? Writing music, reading books, going to the forest, using drugs, communicating with people, or some other things?
It is funny, by the way, 'cos yesterday I was considering writing a post about loneliness, but decided that I'm not ready yet.
I'm not sure about the empiricism being the best way of understanding reality, but I think it may be the best way to get your own, subjective reality. Which is real for you only. So empiricism is great because you are the center of your own universe, after all.
I don't know... I suspect that I have some problems with perception and understanding the reality in an adequate way. So I'm trying to use rationalism, logic and critical thinking sometimes to be able to differ my own thoughts, feelings and imagination from things that are REALLY happening.
Yep, sister of the night just came back from night shift and going to get some sleep
Fully agree on your 2nd paragraph. By empiricism I just meant you should have tried X before saying "I know X".
Can you gave an example when your rational decision took over your feelings?
I bet, you had many decisions like that yourself.
So, the love was unshared that caused you to split up from your guy? You said "leading nowhere", but to what destination it had to go?
A relationship should go to the destination of joy and happiness of two people growing up together, not total destruction and humiliation.
There's a possibility that you know me in real life. Who will I tell the most painful personal information to? Even though I really like those parts of you that I'm able to see here: you look like "on same wave with me" person. Probably would be nice to hang out with you.
Nah, I just don't want to talk about it right now, to be honest. So many thinking and conclusions were made about this relationship. I'm moving on... while listening to this www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVAuQDF2yes
But may you explain to me why you disclose personal information here at all? Do you qualify it as not important?
Thanks for appreciation. I like you, too. Really
Porcupine's guitar is amazing.
It's my domain, fairy tales
You think any of it can be used against me?
Have you ever been on Porcupine Tree's show?
Now I'll ask you probably a rude question - please don't get offended. I'm really curious. Don't you think it's kinda exhibitionism to publish stories about your amour adventures and like? You probably want people to read them. Those who read them are on the other shore of the river - they are voyerists. Kids are usually told it is bad to read others' letters
I have not. I get my ass off the chair only for very special events. But it will change soon. And I don't like this change.
Why would I differ my "amour adventures" from any other adventures? To be honest, I don't think that I'm giving too much personal information. No names, no juicy details. 99% of things that are really going on aren't told here at all.
Those who know me in real life and will read it... well, you are right, they may know more about me. But you are right again - those things aren't such a huge secret
Reading letters isn't the same as reading online blogs, don't you agree?
... and I just can't stop myself from asking my question again: do I know you in real life? Just answer with "yes" or "no", that would be really nice. I'm tired of guessing who you may be, and I know for sure that you are in Israel. And I'm simply curious
p.s. I'm afraid to ask about those changes in your life, I really doubt that you will tell me the story.